Lost in Venice

Lost in Venice 3600.jpg
Lost in Venice 3600.jpg

Lost in Venice

from $5,750.00

Edition of 25

Bobby’s Recommended Presentation | Museum Mount (Floating) Presentation

Size And Presentation:

Lost in Venice | One of the “Original" 25” images placed on view at the 2011 Grand Opening of the Bobby Wheat Gallery

Because of the accounts from many of our friends and others who had visited Venice before us, we had extremely low expectations and had originally only planned for one day in the city. To make our introduction even worse, we flew out of Athens and arrived late that night in Venice to find that our credit card company had failed to note, as we had instructed, that we would be traveling abroad, and a hold was placed on our card. While my wife and I are both bilingual (Spanish + English), we understood and spoke very little Italian at the time. With no cash and no credit card, my pregnant wife and I were forced to wander through the airport in a foreign country trying to bum money for a water taxi to our hotel. As if that weren’t enough, upon arrival, we had to convince the innkeeper to let us stay the night on the promise that we would pay the next day after we had worked out our currency issues. By that point, Haley was crying and exhausted which is probably why he let us have the room. Eventually all was worked out, and we were free to explore.

The city’s quaint charm instantly won us over, so much that we cancelled our next destination to extend our stay an extra day. We wandered down streets and through alleys with no agenda and no idea where we would end up. After hours of walking and enjoying the cool and overcast day, we happened upon this little square. We sat down near the bridge where this image was taken and marveled in a moment that seemed to capture the essence of this magical city. The sound of old men talking of foreign subjects, the neighborhood boys playing soccer in the streets, and the houses that seemed to tell a vibrant yet somber story, all set the stage for an everlasting memory from our afternoon in one of the world’s most iconic cities.

Location | Venice, Italy

Medium and Materials | Chromogenic Print from Film on Fuji Crystal Archive Paper, Face-Mounted with 2 layers of UV protection in the Bobby Wheat Gallery’s Signature ANTIGLARE Presentation.

Camera and Film Used | Toyo 45a 4x5 View Camera with Fuji Velvia Film

Edition Size | Edition of 25 + 5 Artist’s Proofs for a Total of 30 Enlargements Regardless of Size (Your Edition Number will be assigned by the Bobby Wheat Gallery After Checkout)